هل سيشعل ترامب الحرب العالمية الثالثة في إيران؟
إن التغيرات التكتونية الحقيقية ممكنة في السياسات الكبرى التي ينتهجها ما
يسمى الغرب، الذي سيبدأ في التفكك إلى أوروبا التقليدية ومكب النفايات العالمي
الذي تح...
*Amy Goodman October 8, 2024* *first 4 and a half minutes*
*Satellite images of Gaza, Before and After** (Interactive, by sliding the
bar in the pictu...
العالم رقعة شطرنج .. لماذا تسقط البيادق أولاََ
بعد "الأسبوع" الدراماتيكي في بيروت والذي قامت فيه إسرائيل بتصفية الهرم
القيادي لحزب الله.. وفي عملية استخباراتية تشبه في أسلوبها التنفيذي الشطرنج
كيف نعرف الوقت .. ؟
عقارب الساعة تدور كل يوم وكل ساعة وكل دقيقة ولكن على الرغم من تكرار عقارب
الساعة نفسها كل يوم الا ان الوقت يختلف عند كل انسان حسب المشاعر التي يمر
بها فال...
Unveiling the Future of Roofing
In the realm of construction, roofing stands as a cornerstone, quite
literally, of shelter and protection. Yet, despite its fundamental role,
roofing has...
البكتيريا العراقية .. تحديث .. في حين
*ماجستير في دهينة كربلاء!* *28 أيلول 2023، دقيقة*
*النشرة في 7 تشرين الأول 2023*
Comparative faith
Who says the Middle Ages were all dark?
There was religious fervour
Lots of exclusively male spiritual events
With music or chanting
Mother When Her Eyes Opened in Pain
And somewhere in the back of my mind, my brain submits its resignation,my
nerve-ends brittle with the accumulationof chemical substance and pain, my
Comfort in the Form of the Electric Mattress
Throughout history, heat has been used as a natural remedy to relieve pain
and enhance recovery. It also has been long associated with comfort and
FPGA, Lattice Diamond, ModelSim & Linux
I'm starting to play around with a TinyFPGA A1 board. This has a Lattice
Mach X02 FPGA on board, so the natural thing is to use Lattice's Diamond
هل نستطيع ان نفكر بشكل جديد؟
هل يمكن ان نطور من طريقة ونمط تفكيرنا وصولا لحلول اكثر واقعية وعقلانية, هل
يمكن ان نقلب الطاولة رأسا على عقب ونبدأ من جديد بداية تضع اقدامنا على اعتاب
Beasiswa UPH 2021/2022 untuk Jurusan Kedokteran
Mau Kuliah S1 Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter Gratis sampai lulus? Daftar aja
program beasiswa UPH 2021/2022 dari Universitas Pelita Harapan. Saat ini
PTS yang...
Life flies by..
Hello Everyone!!!
It's been like forever!!! As most of you know the life in the U.S keeps you
busy as its high paced - kind of forgot about the blog as ...
I Miss Blogging!
Peeking from this narrow window to check if this world still exists. Here,
where life is less complicated and less crowded than other virtual
Cats in times of Coronavirus
In times of panic and conoravirus pandemic, there is still a bright side
for working from home where lovely cats come up and sit on your laptop.
Just li...
The World as a Mental Asylum
On rare occasions one is graced with a few seconds of insights. And in
those rare seconds of insights one is shown the world. And what you see is
Truth. Th...
The tunes and ballads of the Iraqi protests.
As the Iraqi protests against the Iraqi government and the Iranian backed
militias broke out on October 1st, and then on the 25th, many songs and
Fighting to survive....
Thirteen years later, and nothing has changed in Iraq. Absolutely nothing.
Except, except one thing maybe, and that is the new generation. The
It's been so long. I miss writing, and I miss the winding words allowing me
to organise my thoughts.
I'm going to do it again, the novelty of using paper d...
Turrning up from a refugee to a resident !
It have been a tough, big and very busy year in my life * just like any
other year since I am mature*. In the last post that I wrote nearly a year
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Long passionate Journey
Hi ,
You have definitely bet, I have gone through difficult times after ISIS
conquer of Mosul City. Well... Fortunately, I've not seen any of them live
cara membuat media filter air murah
Budget Anda terbatas sementara Anda membutuhkan kuailtas air yang baik
karena air di rumah Anda terkena kontaminan? Mungkin video ini bisa
menginspirasi An...
hello , anybody here?
Hello everyone , it has been two years since i wrote a post , i read all
your comments today and i appreciate your concern , thank you all ..
I felt glad t...
حين مر عام على رحيلك .. لم اجد مكانا اهجع اليه وحضنا عطوفا اتدفا فيه ..
وملاذا امنا اركن اليه وحضورا يزيل عني الهموم ويلملم جروحي وابتسامت تطعمني
السكينه و...
Normal Iraqi Day
*"You take a mortal man*
*And put him in control*
*Watch him become a god*
*Watch people's heads a'roll*
*A'roll, a' roll*
He has to move in Baghdad. Here a...
محطات ..
كان هناك شيء ما ، يتداخل معها، شيء تعرف انه مستحيل وهي تحاول فقط
لم تكن سعيدة كثيرا كما تلك اللحظات ، لم تكن تحاول مثل تلك المحاولات التي
لاتجدي نفعا،غير...
we are on ETSY
i know.. its been a long time since i last posted anything ... but here we
go again
hope you guys been doing great on ur happy side of the world.
some up...
Declared adults by a number, by a cake… by default
I have fled home many times,
But home has never fled me.
Tearful and protective,
Nurture and nature ri...
Important General Knowledge Information
- Knowledge of Fire Safety Is Home Security Informations
- Knowledge of The Best for Weekend Getaways Informations
- Knowledge of The Evolu...
Haydar al-Abbadi Is the New Iraq PM Candidate
Today, what remains of the pan-Shiite National Alliance formally presented
Haydar al-Abbadi of the Daawa party as their PM candidate. Abbadi will be
عراقي الحبيب .. لك الله يا عراق ..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
الله .. شعور جميل .. أكتب من جديد ..
اليوم الصبح كان الأفكار تصطرع في رأسي .. كأني راديو كاعد يلكط موجات متعددة
في وقت...
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شارع الرشيد
الصباح/فؤاد عبد الرزاق الدجيلي:
وقع في متناول يدي الكتاب الموسوم بـ (شارع الرشيد) إعداد وتقديم الباحث باسم
عبد الحميد حمودي.
وبدوري أعدّ الكتاب من أجود ا...
Innovative Homework Activities
Think about incorporating a variety of homework activities into your lesson
plans. To come up with some great homework activities, think of things that
As well As
Life in college is getting more difficult day after day, and i feel so
i would never expect myself to feel this loneliness, to wander among its ...
السلام عليكم
* تم انشاء صفحة خاصة بالمدونة على الفيس بوك لغرض عرض اعمال الفنانين..*
رثاء الرجولة ..اهداء الي شهيد الحج الاكبر
*رثاء الرجولة ..اهداء الي شهيد الحج الاكبر *
*مولاي شهيد الحج الاكبر رضي الله عنك *
*سيدي الرئيس المغفور له باذن الله الشهيد صدام حسين *
*اقولها بعد ان ه...
عامان من الصمت المطبق
ما ادري هل هو خوف ام جبن او عدم اكتراث او توجس او ربما فقدان الامل ...
لكن الي اعرفه انه فضلت الصمت على الكلام
فضلت الحديث مع نفسي على الحديث ا...
Going skiing and rent a chalet for your holiday
Do you want to enjoy skiing for this holiday? If you do have a plan to go
skiing, of course, French Alps can be a good destination. You can get the
I was recently reminded of my inability to continue bat shit, using this
blog as an example. naturally had to remedy that, so the fact that i
abandoned thi...
Back From China
I just came back from China after a work trip that lasted a bit over a
week, and came with back with flu and a bunch of notes that I am about to
share with...
Conservative Shia rulers taking Iraq backwards
"The constantly expanding powers of conservative Shiite Islamists have
inspired a backlash among some concerned Iraqi communities; not just
Sunnis, but als...
The Kyoto Treaty
On December 11, 1997, after an all night session, the Third Conference of
Parties (COP-3) to the UN Framework Conv...
Cara Buka Situs Yang di Blokir NAWALA
Waktu melihat gambar porno dan baca baca cerita dewasa setengah baya ehhh
situsnya Di blokir NAWALA Tapi menurut ane bagus kalau situs mesum abg bugil
di b...
افاق المرأة و الحركة النسوية بعد الثورات العربية
*رؤى البازركان الحوار المتمدن - العدد: 3654 - 2012 / 3 / 1 - 07:35 المحور:
ملف - افاق المرأة و الحركة النسوية بعد الثورات العربية - بمناسبة 8 اذار/
It was just a phase
It was just a phase after all, though it had its benefits by letting me
apply my frivolous and yet fervent thoughts into such scrambled sentences.
I am fig...
A Big Financial "Trick"
I've received an email talking about a financial trick that will be done by
the U.S government to "save the U.S economy" as the writer said.
The writer expl...
Just Saying Hello
to the world. I have nothing to say on Iraq/Iraqi situation anymore. But
this blog holds a special place in my heart. I should probably find out
what I ca...
Welcome to the Other Talisman Gate
The Talisman Gate, Baghdad, Iraq, circa 1907
"Kazimi, whose Talisman Gate blog is widely read by Iraq experts and
commentators in the United States..." *...
76. "Say it for God's Sake, Say it" XXI
*His hair looked shorter than usual* when he first appeared in the doorway
of my office, so much shorter that I found myself muttering softly, “What
The End of the Oppression Era in the Arab World
The sounds and images of the Jubilations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square filled my
heart with joy. I still cannot believe it is happening in my lifetime.
Iraq's "Mubarak"
Iraq's "Mubarak" was not Saddam but Nuri asSaid, the Iraqi Prime Minister
from the creation of the "Independent Kingdom" in 1932 up to the revolution
of 19...
Still here
is it life that taking us away from blogging? or are our minds got tired
and sick of writing about the same stories again and again? I used to have
the spi...
عيد ميلاد سعيد وسنة جديدة جميلة للعراقيين واصدقائهم
ابدأ بتهنئة الجميع وبالاخص ابناء شعبنا من المسيحيين بمناسبة حلول اعياد
الميلاد والسنة الجديدة ولايسعني سوى ان اسأل الله الذي لايُسأل سواه ان
يعيدها على الع...
ارسمها بالاحلام...
و عينه....عينيه....
اتيه فيها الى عالم الغزل...
حلم يطوف في خيال بعيد...
يبتسم كملاك حنون وسيم
و شعره....شعره ريح...
و ج...
Bye bye Mr. Nahash
The urge to write this post, after more than three years, is not the
rigmarole that has been going on ever since I last posted, in fact ...
Slob log 15081 - a boredom so spectacular
Remy used a couple of my old blog posts as regular feature in a literary
magazine he published in Canada two years ago. A couple of nights ago, we
met down...
Jerusalem. The darkness that hangs over the city doesn't fade with the sun.
The depth of the land doesn't shallow like its dry sea beds. The history
good bye summer holiday, not welcome studying !!
Within the few days of my holiday , I am trying to do all things that I
enjoy and I don't have the time to do it during studying course ,like
spending time...
So it seems that I got into the habit of writing from Eid to Eid without
noticing that. Happy Eid! So much happened since last time I wrote that I
don't ev...
* Do not just walk away; you have not accomplished the mission yet. George
Bush was not completely serious when he said it, believe me! Do not hand
Iraq to...
Searching For Hope Is Mission Impossible
Hi it’s me again :)… I do know that it’s been over a century since I wrote
a post on this blog but I promise that from now on I am gonna post here
more reg...
I have moved
Hello! I have moved my blog to “Ishtar Gate Community” and you can find it
at this link: http://khalid.ishtar-gate.org/ All my new posts and updates
will b...
The Mindful Eater
I created a video to audition for a cooking show on the new Oprah network.
Please view my video here and feel free to vote for me
Gooey chair baffles Iraqi premiers
*BAGHDAD, IRAQ – Onlookers gathered at Baghdad’s infamous Green Zone to
witness the seventh consecutive attempt this year to dishevel Mr. Nuri
Robert Fisk & Western Leaders
This is one of the shortest articles I have ever read written by Mr. Fisk.
Not that he is speechless about Israel's massacre, he wrote other articles
with one hand.....for a while
After the election results that did not please many extremes ,the
situations in my country became really worse and not promising. I am so
terrified and fee...
I'm very happy because I voted!!!
I'm so happy that I managed to vote for my country Iraq.It was very
important for me to join our people inside Iraq who decided to participate
in the ele...
AUC Press Board
Yesterday's Student Senate meeting agenda included discussing the Caravan
issue (details about the issue here). They are currently protected by the
mass co...
الانتخابات في العراق
يسألني بعض الاصدقاء من سوف تنتخب و هو سؤال صعب و لكن مجملا لم أنوي الانتخاب
بسبب الاحباط .
و جاء التكليف الشرعي يدعوني أن أنتخب المأمون على الدين و الدني...
خرزة الفرهود أتت على كل الخرز
كثيرة هي انواع الخرز التي تعامل بها جواد المالكي في حارات السيدة زينب
وأزقتها الخلفية فمنها خرزة الرزق متناسيا ان الرزاق هو الله جل وعلا ومنها
خرزة المحبة...
السوبر تخلف للكاتب حسن عجمي
السوبر تخلف صحيفة الاخبار المصرية بقلم الكاتب الصحفي المصري نبيل زكي
مصطلحات جديدة تتردد في العالم عند الحديث في السياسة أو التطور أو العلم
قصة لاتنتهي
النفط وترسيم الحدود العراقية الايرانية
مقال للمهندس عصام الجلبي
( وزير النفط العراقي الأسبق )
لم أعمل سابقا في السلك الدبلوماسي ولا في أجهزة وزارة الخارجي...
The Shock
Everything was ok, I was tired after four months of hard working, but it
was all right.
Yes, I failed my exam twice but, still had the chance to sit it agai...
الجرجف الخاتوني.. و القنادر الصديقة!
اليوم حابة أحجي لكم عن جرجفي.. يمكن كلكم تعرفون جرجف الفنانة القديرة مفليسا
(تحوير لإسم مفلسة، و تعني الإفلاس الفني) لكن خلوني أحجي لكم عن جرجفي
آني أيها ال...
حــرية التعـ......بير
*وأنا أتصفح موقعي وجدت دعوة للتضامن من أجل حرية التعبير في العراق قبلتها
وتضامنت معها كغيري وضحكت من كل قلبي وهي حالة نادرة لكنها لم تكن ...
كيف ولماذا أكتب؟
*في عصرٍ تراجعت فيه الثقافة العراقية إلى ما دون الحضيض في الرجعية والتخلف،
وأصبح فيه التفكير الجاد مرادفاً لجفاف المشاعر ونضوب الإحساس..كان لا بدّ
القراء الاكارم الافاضل
*حصلت نقلة هامة في حياتي ستجعلني مضطرا لاخذ الوقت الكافي لترتيب اوضاعي
*كما اني انوي التفرغ لكتابة كتيب عن تلك السنوات العشر العجاف التي قضيتها في...
1st of April 2003 in Iraqi newspapers
Al-Thawra (the revolution), Al-Jumhuriya (the republic) and Babel were the
main dailies I grew up with. The first two have been around since the Baath
the Good Old Days
I think I have this post in the back of my mind since a while an I needed a
push to post it so I think I must thank Attawie for providing this push
"Domo a...
جسد العشيقة والموساد
في حي الكاظمية ببغداد ولد عيزرا خزام عام 1924 لأسرة ثرية تعمل بتجارة الذهب
والمشغولات الثمينة. ونشأ منذ طفولته نشأة يهودية تقليدية، منكباً على كتبه
Yes we can.
So, we won the battle...
Now it's time to taste the pudding. As far as I can tell Obama has
appointed a lot of old hats not representing the constituency ...
*المجلس السياسي للمقاومة العراقية*
*يستنكر إعلان دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة*
* عزمها فتح سفارة لها في العراق*
*استنكر المجلس السياسي للمقاومة العراقية، إ...
Dear Baghdad
You’ve always been my title although I’ve never used your name as one.
Five years has passed, five years of you being torn apart and drained off.
We were to...
Wake up! It's snowing out there!
Yesterday's morning, I woke up on my sister's voice saying "Wake up! It's
snowing out there!". I heavily tried to look at the clock with half closed
De-Baathification (IV)
*As an example of ignorance of the high ranks Baathists, there was a story
recited by the Iraqis as a joke. It shows the kind of people was leading
The Latest On Basra's Governor Removal
By Queen AmidalaBasra, IraqApr. 27,2007The sit-in demonstration ended on
Thursday. The protesting parties couldn't remove the governor. Each group
-- Al-Fa...
We have received information that the liberty and life of Badee Izzat Aref,
prominent Iraqi la...
Iraq War Parties
*An Attempt at Categorization *
The image of the Iraqi scene in terms of the US versus insurgents or
terrorists was dominant for much of the time since th...